eBooks and Digital Download Policy
Download Policy for Digital Products
Order Processing
- Upon successful payment, you will receive an email with a download link for your digital product. This email is sent to the address provided at checkout. Please ensure your email address is entered correctly.
Download Access
- The download link will be active for 15 days from the date of purchase. If you encounter issues or require additional access, contact us at mombasorganizedchaos@gmail.com.
File Formats and Compatibility
- Digital products are provided in PDF, MP3, MP4. Please ensure that your device and software are compatible with the file format before purchase.
Refunds and Exchanges
- Due to the nature of digital products, all sales are final. Refunds or exchanges are not provided once the product is downloaded, except in cases of technical issues or file corruption.
Technical Support
- If you experience problems downloading your product, please contact us at mombasorganizedchaose@gmail.com for assistance.
Unauthorized Distribution
- Purchased digital products are for personal use only. Sharing, reselling, or distributing the files without permission is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
Backup Responsibility
- We recommend saving a backup of your digital product as we cannot guarantee future access to the download link once it expires.
Policy Updates
- This policy is subject to change. Any updates will be reflected on this page, so please review it periodically.
Contact Us
- For questions or concerns regarding your digital purchase, please reach out to us at mombasorganizedchaos@gmail.com.